Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Age of the Internet and Google.

     Some people say we never read books anymore. Some claim they can't even read more than three or four pages without drifting. Are the advances in technology ridding us of our ability to read and educate ourselves? I don't think so.
     Back in the day, people mostly read books. But in order to read a book, they would have to bring one with them when heading out. Yet nowadays, a great number of young people have smart phones that have internet on them. I think people read more now than they ever have. With phones such as the iPhone and Blackberry, people can easily browse the Internet for recent news and anything else they are interested in reading.

     Also, with Google's start in 1998, it is now one of the most popular search engines. People question whether or not Google is making us stupid. I believe Google is expanding our knowledge. Just by searching something, we can learn something just by browsing through the search results. Also, if we're searching for homework answers, we can also find answers with clear, full explanations on how to do the problem especially on sites that appear in the search results such as Yahoo Answers. Instead of heading to library and looking through perhaps hundreds of books, we can learn how to do a problem with an instant click. We're doing less work, but we're gaining the same or perhaps even more knowledge at a much faster pace.

I say we truly need to appreciate everything we have.

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